Event box

Serendipity In-Person

November 4   Crack Me Up!   Silly Stories and Sillier Songs.  Bring your favorite joke to tell, and create a crazy craft.

Nov. 11    Diwali, Festival of Light.  This year Diwali is Nov. 4-8.  Indian families will describe some of the special customs and activities they enjoyed.  There will be an exciting traditional Indian story, music, and treats.

November 18  “Food Glorious Food” will be served on Thanksgiving Day!  Sing about “Have a banana, Hannah, pie a la mode, Brody, yum macaroni, Tony! Everybody eats when they come to my house.”  Learn about GRACE, a successful local food bank for families with food insecurity. Make place cards for your Thanksgiving table.

Saturday, Nov.  27   at 2:00    Puppet Show:  “ The Prince Who Wanted to be a Pirate, a comical original play.”  Arwen on Thanksgiving break from college, and Anthony, a senior at Summit High, will be the puppeteers.  Make puppets with changes of clothes.

Dec. 2   O Hanukkah, O Hanukkah!  Come light the Menorah for this Festival of Light, and hear about 8 days of celebration which includes storytelling, singing, and gift giving.  Make magical potato pancakes, latkes.

Dec. 9  Hansel and Gretel, a play with music from the opera by Englebert Humperdinck.   Craft:  gingerbread houses.

Dec. 16   The Christmas Candle!  Hear a special story about a young man whose life becomes better when he finds that his lantern candle magically changes his vision.  Let’s go caroling around the library, and make our own magical lantern candles.

Thursday, November 18, 2021 Show more dates
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Liss Meeting Room
  Elementary (K-5)  
Registration has closed.

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